Did a Giant Object Pass Through the Milky Way?

Evidence of Disruption in Stellar Stream GD-1

One of the stellar streams surrounding our Milky Way galaxy, known as GD-1, has perplexed scientists since its discovery in 2006. Formed from the gravitational disruption of an ancient dwarf galaxy, the stream’s stars unexpectedly deviate from simulations. A recent study found anomalies that could not be explained without some perturbation.

Simulation Suggests Massive Object Collision

Lead researcher Anna Bínica modeled a scenario where GD-1 encountered a massive intruder. Her simulation of a 5 million solar mass object colliding with the stream 495 million years ago matched the observed gaps and distortions. This suggests an encounter with an object 10 lightyears across moving at 250 km/s.

An Undetected Intruder

An object that massive indicates a black hole or large dark matter accumulation. Yet no electromagnetic signatures were found at the collision site, as would be expected from interactions with stars. Its passage remains undetected, despite searches of the area.

Tracing the Intruder’s Path

Researchers will examine other regions along the intruder’s proposed path through the Milky Way halo for further evidence. Nearby streams like the Orphan Stream, a candidate dwarf galaxy remnant, will be scrutinized. Any matching distortions could help backtrack the object’s trajectory. Studying the dynamics of disrupted structures may also reveal mass estimates to compare with Bínica’s simulation. With the wealth of data from Gaia, astronomers are hopeful more clues can be found to solve this galactic whodunit.

Looking to the Future

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, set to start operations in 2023, will map the outer reaches of our galaxy with unprecedented detail. Its views of stellar streams may uncover new disruptions from this long-ago encounter. Further simulations incorporating the object’s possible dark matter content could also yield testable predictions. Advancing technology means the trail is not cold yet. Though the intruder remains hidden for now, the case may yet be cracked with additional sleuthing of our galaxy’s ancient crime scene.


Future work promises to build on these findings, searching for additional clues along the intruder’s path. With upcoming sky surveys, our view of structures like GD-1 will come into ever sharper focus. This may finally reveal the true nature of what disturbed these stellar streams so long ago. For now, astronomers have uncovered tantalizing evidence that something immense crossed through the Milky Way’s outskirts. The search continues to shed light on this shadowy galactic interloper.